AutoDelete is a Discord bot that will automatically delete messages from a designated channel.

Messages are deleted on a "rolling" basis -- if you set a 24-hour live time, each message will be deleted 24 hours after it is posted (as opposed to all messages being deleted every 24 hours).

Create a new "purged" channel where messages will automatically be deleted. Someone with MANAGE_MESSAGES permission (usually an admin) needs to say @AutoDelete start 100 24h to start the bot and tell it which channel you are using.

The 100 in the start command is the maximum number of live messages in the channel before the oldest is deleted. The 24h is a duration after which every message will be deleted. Acceptable units are h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds. Warning: Durations of a day or longer still need to be specified in hours.

Make sure to mention the bot user and not the role alias!

A "voice-text" channel might want a shorter duration, e.g. 30m or 10m, when you just want "immediate" chat with no memory.

The bot must have permission to read (obviously) and send messages in the channel you are using, in addition to the Manage Messages permission. If the bot is missing permissions, it will disable itself and attempt to tell you, though this usually won't work when it can't send messages.

To turn off the bot, use @AutoDelete set 0 to turn off auto-deletion.

For a quick reminder of these rules, just say @AutoDelete help.

If you need extra help, say @AutoDelete adminhelp ... message ... to send a message to the support guild.

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