When your server is stuck in the "Starting" status, it's an indication that our hosting panel is unable to confirm the successful launch of your application. This issue can be visually identified by a yellow bar in the server status, as shown below:

Server stuck at starting

The yellow bar signifies that your server is stuck in the starting phase, while green indicates it's started, and red signifies it's stopped.


Our server management panel relies on detecting specific text to confirm that your server has started successfully, with the required text being "Application is Running." To address this, you need to append a simple console log statement to your main executable file or class, which will print the text to the console.

  • Access and Edit Your Files:

Download your files through SFTP and edit them locally or directly edit them through the built-in editor on our panel.

  • Implementing the Console Message:

In Python, add the following line:

print("Application is Running.")

In JavaSript, use:

console.log("Application is Running.");

In Java, you would add:

System.out.println("Application is Running.");

Editing main file to add the text.

Note: For Discord bots and services that print messages only when specific triggers are hit, ensure you place the text inside the on_ready function or its equivalent, depending on your programming language.


If you've followed the instructions correctly up to this point, your server should now function as expected, and the yellow bar will be replaced with a green one, indicating that your server is running smoothly.

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